Unit 1: Unlocking Python: Foundations for Coding
Introduction: Fundamental ideas in computer science; modern computer systems, installing Python; basic syntax, interactive shell, editing, saving, and running a script; The concept of data types; variables, assignments; numerical types; arithmetic operators and expressions; comments in the program; understanding error messages; Control statements: if-else, nested if-else, loops (for, while)
Unit 2:Text Processing with Python
Strings, text files: String manipulations: subscript operator, indexing, slicing a string; strings and number system: converting strings to numbers and vice versa. Binary, octal, hexadecimal numbers; text files: reading/writing text and numbers from/to a file; creating and reading a formatted file (csv or tab-separated).
Unit 3 : Problem Solving: Lists, Dictionaries, and Function-Based Design
Lists, dictionary and Design with functions: Basic list operators, replacing, inserting, removing an element; searching and sorting lists; dictionary literals, adding, and removing keys, accessing and replacing values; traversing dictionaries. Hiding redundancy, Functions and Redundancy, complexity; arguments and return values; Program structure and design. Recursive functions.
Unit 4: OOP: A Comprehensive Guide
Object Oriented concepts: Classes and OOP: classes, objects, attributes and methods; defining classes; design with classes, data modelling; persistent storage of objects, Inheritance, polymorphism, operator overloading; abstract classes; exception handling, try block. Iterators