1. Program to find the area and perimeter of a rectangle.
2. Program to check whether a number is prime.
3. Program to check if a given number is a palindrome.
4. Program to find the greatest common divisor (GCD).
5. Program to find the roots of a quadratic equation.
6. Program to check whether a given number is positive or negative using the ternary operator.
7. Program to generate the Fibonacci sequence.
8. Program to find the factorial of a number using recursion.
9. Program to implement matrix multiplication using arrays.
10. Program to calculate the average of all elements in an array.
11. Program to swap private data members of classes named `class1` and `class2` using a friend function.
12. Program to design a class representing complex numbers and perform addition and multiplication using operator overloading.
13. Program to create a class called `Cube` with data members `length`, `breadth`, and `height` and member functions to accept details, calculate the volume, and display the details.
14. Program to process a shopping list for a departmental store using a class. The list includes details such as code number and price of each item, and operations like adding, deleting items, and printing the total value of an order.
15. Program to display names, roll numbers, and grades of 3 students who have appeared in an examination using a class. Create an array of class objects and read and display the contents of the array.
16. Program to design a `Student` class representing student roll numbers, and a `Test` class (derived from `Student`) representing the scores in various subjects, and a `Sports` class representing the score in sports. Inherit `Sports` and `Test` classes into a `Result` class to add scores and display the final result for a student.
17. Program to demonstrate inheritance and polymorphism using virtual functions.
18. Program to allocate memory dynamically for an object of a given class using the class’s constructor.
19. Program to read the data of `n` employees and compute the net salary of each employee (DA = 52% of basic and IT = 30% of the gross salary).
20. Program to find the maximum of two numbers using a friend function.
21. Program to implement function templates.
22. Program to read and write binary data in a file.
23. Program to read content from one file and write it to another file.
24. Program to count the number of lines, words, and characters in a file.
25. Program to search for a specific word in a file and count its occurrences.
26. Program to implement exception handling with & without the functionality of testing throw restrictions.
27. Program to use pointers for both base and derived classes and call the member functions using the `virtual` keyword.
28. Program to illustrate the concepts of console I/O operations.
29. Program to implement multiple inheritance.
30. Program to implement function overloading.