Unit I: Fundamental of Research
Defination and Meaing of Research, Importance of research, Characteristics of research, Steps in research, Types of research, research paradigms, process & approaches, research methods versus methodology. Research problems, sources, characteristics, selection and formulation of research problems / research design. Meaning needs and features of a good research problem / design. Hypothesis formulation and criterion of good research. Significance and status of Research in Computer Science, recent trends in computer science research.
Unit II: Literature Survey and computer applications in research
What is literature survey, function of literature survey, purpose of literature review. Developing a bibliography, online tools- Google, cite seer, ACM Digital library, survey papers. Finding out about your research area, Literature search strategy, writing critical reviews, identifying venues for publishing your research. Critique, Survey & Peer review process. Use of internet networks in research activities in searching material, paper downloading, submission of papers, relevant websites for journals and related research work. Impact factor, indexing, ISSN / ISBN number and proceeding of conference / seminar. Introduction to Patent laws etc., process of patenting research finding, Copyright, Cyber laws.
Unit III: Research Data and Statistics
Sources, types, acquisition and interpretation of data. Collection, processing and analysis of data. Quantitative data and qualitative data, graphical representation and mapping of data. Measurement and scaling techniques. Sampling fundamental and testing of hypothesis. Sampling theory, test of significance- "T‟ test, Z test, one way ANOVA & two way ANOVA, Chi-square test, simple & partial correlation and multiple regressions.
Unit IV: Research Report
Writing a Research Report, precautions for writing a research report. Significance of report writing. Types, style, steps, mechanism and layout of research report, editing the final draft and oral presentation. Art of scientific writing, flow method, organization of material, drawing figures, graphs, tables, footnotes, endnotes references etc. in a research paper. Use of computer and internet for report writing. Tools and techniques in MS-word, excel and power point for designing and presentation of report / paper. Planning the thesis, writing the thesis, thesis structure, writing up schedule, oral examination and viva voce.