XPointer (XML Pointer Language) is a W3C recommendation for identifying and addressing specific parts of an XML document. It's used in conjunction with URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers), most commonly within the xlink:href attribute of XLink, to create links that point not just to an entire XML document, but to particular elements, attributes, or even character ranges within that document. Think of it as a more powerful and precise version of the fragment identifier (#) in HTML URLs.
Key Concepts
- Addressing Parts of XML: XPointer goes beyond simply linking to an entire XML file. It allows you to pinpoint specific locations within the document's structure.
- Used with URIs: XPointer expressions are typically used as the fragment part of a URI. The fragment is the portion of the URI that comes after the # character.
- Example: document.xml#xpointer(//section[@id='introduction'])
- Based on XPath: XPointer builds upon XPath (XML Path Language), a powerful language for navigating the tree structure of an XML document. Many XPointer schemes use XPath expressions.
- Schemes and Frameworks: XPointer defines a framework for creating different schemes. A scheme is a specific syntax for addressing parts of a document. The most important schemes are:
- element() scheme: A simple scheme for addressing elements by their ID or by their position in the document.
- xpointer() scheme: The most powerful and flexible scheme, allowing the use of full XPath expressions and other advanced features.
- xmlns() scheme: Used for declaring namespace bindings within an XPointer.
XPointer Schemes in Detail
1. element() Scheme (Simple)
o Purpose: Provides a simple way to point to elements based on their ID or their child sequence number.
o Syntax:
§ element(id): Selects the element with the given ID. The ID must be of type ID as defined by a DTD or schema.
§ element(/1/2/3): Selects the element based on its position in the document tree. /1 represents the root element, /1/2 represents the second child of the root, /1/2/3 represents the third child of that element, and so on. This is fragile because it depends on the exact document structure.
o Examples:
§ document.xml#element(introduction): Selects the element with ID="introduction".
§ document.xml#element(/1/2/1): Selects the first child of the second child of the root element.
o Limitations:
§ Relies on IDs being defined and unique (using DTD or XSD).
§ The child sequence method (/1/2/3) is brittle; changes to the document structure break the pointer.
2. xpointer() Scheme (Powerful and Flexible)
o Purpose: Provides the most powerful and versatile way to address parts of an XML document. It's based on XPath.
o Syntax: xpointer(XPathExpression)
o XPath Expressions: You can use the full power of XPath to select elements, attributes, text nodes, etc. This includes:
§ Element names: xpointer(//book) (selects all <book> elements)
§ Attributes: xpointer(//book[@category='fiction']) (selects <book> elements with a category attribute equal to "fiction")
§ Predicates: xpointer(//book[price < 20]) (selects <book> elements with a <price> child element less than 20)
§ Functions: xpointer(count(//book)) (counts the number of <book> elements)
§ Axes: xpointer(//book/following-sibling::*) (selects all sibling elements that follow a <book> element)
§ ...and much more (see XPath documentation for details)
o Examples:
§ document.xml#xpointer(//title): Selects all <title> elements.
§ document.xml#xpointer(//book[@id='b001']/author): Selects the <author> element of the <book> element with id="b001".
§ document.xml#xpointer(//paragraph[2]): Selects the second <paragraph> element in the document.
§ document.xml#xpointer(string-range(//paragraph[1], 'example', 1, 5)): Selects a range of characters within the first <paragraph> element, starting at the first occurrence of the string "example" and extending for 5 characters.
o Advantages:
§ Very flexible and powerful.
§ Can address any part of the XML document.
§ Less fragile than the element() scheme's child sequence method.
o Disadvantages:
§ Requires understanding of XPath.
3. xmlns() Scheme (Namespace Bindings)
o Purpose: Declares namespace prefixes for use within the xpointer() scheme. This is necessary when your XML document uses namespaces.
o Syntax: xmlns(prefix=namespaceURI)
o Example:
<doc xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
<ex:section id="intro">...</ex:section>
<link xlink:href="otherdoc.xml#xpointer(xmlns(ex=http://example.com/ns)xpointer(//ex:section[@id='intro']))" />
§ The xmlns(ex=http://example.com/ns) part declares the ex prefix for the http://example.com/ns namespace.
§ The xpointer(//ex:section[@id='intro']) part then uses that prefix to select the <ex:section> element.
Using XPointer with XLink This is where the power of combining these technologies shines.
<myLink xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
Go to Conclusion
This XLink simple link points to the element with id="conclusion" within a <section> element in the file document.xml.
XPointer and Browser Support
- Limited Native Support: Web browsers generally do not natively support XPointer. HTML's fragment identifiers (#name) are much simpler and only support linking to elements with id attributes.
- JavaScript Libraries: You can use JavaScript libraries to implement XPointer functionality in a web browser. These libraries parse the XPointer expressions and navigate the DOM to find the target element.
- Server-Side Processing: XPointer is more commonly used in server-side processing, where applications can use XML parsers and XSLT processors to resolve XPointers and generate the appropriate links or content.
Use Cases
- Linking to Specific Parts of XML Documents: The primary use case.
- Creating Tables of Contents: Generate a table of contents automatically by extracting headings using XPointer.
- Annotations and Commentary: Link annotations or comments to specific parts of an XML document.
- Data Extraction: Extract specific data from XML documents based on XPointer expressions.
- Transclusion: Including parts of one XML document within another.
- Version Control: Identify changes between versions.
In Summary
XPointer provides a powerful and flexible way to address specific parts of XML documents, going beyond simple ID-based linking. It leverages the expressiveness of XPath to allow you to pinpoint elements, attributes, text, and even character ranges within an XML document's structure. While browser support is limited, XPointer is a valuable tool for server-side processing, data manipulation, and creating sophisticated linking relationships within and between XML documents. It's particularly useful in applications that deal with complex XML structures and require precise referencing of document fragments.