Boolean Data Type
What is a Boolean?
A Boolean data type in Python represents one of two values: True or False. It's named after George Boole, a mathematician who pioneered the study of logic.
Declaring Boolean Variables
To create a Boolean variable, simply assign True or False to it:
is_raining = True
is_sunny = False
Boolean Expressions
Boolean values are often used in conditional statements and expressions.
x = 10
y = 5
# Comparison operators
is_greater = x > y # True
is_equal = x == y # False
# Logical operators
is_raining = True
is_cold = True
can_go_outside = not is_raining and not is_cold # False
Boolean Operators
Python provides three logical operators to combine Boolean values:
- and: Both conditions must be True for the result to be True.
- or: At least one condition must be True for the result to be True.
- not: Negates the Boolean value.
Boolean as a Subtype of Integer
Interestingly, in Python, True is equivalent to the integer 1, and False is equivalent to 0.
print(True + 1) # Output: 2
print(False * 3) # Output: 0
Use Cases
- Conditional statements (if, else, elif)
- Loops (while, for)
- Logical operations
- Control flow
temperature = 25
if temperature > 30:
print("It's hot!")
elif temperature > 20:
print("It's warm.")
print("It's cold.")
Boolean values are fundamental to programming logic and decision-making. They are used extensively to control the flow of programs and make decisions based on conditions.