M. S. Barak
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
1. Academic Background
1.1 Education (PG Onwards)
S. No. |
Degree |
Year |
University |
Subjects/Specialization |
1. |
M.Sc. |
1999 |
Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak |
Mathematics |
2. |
M.Phil |
2006 |
Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak |
Applied Mathematics |
2. |
Ph.D. |
2008 |
Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak |
Reliability Modeling & Analysis |
Qualified CSIR-UGC NET Examination in Mathematical Sciences in 2000.
1.2 Achievement:
I was allocated a sum of Rs. 6,00,000/-( Rupee six Lakh Only) being the UGC-BSR-Research Start-Up-Grant by University Grand Commission , New Delhi-110002. ( Ref. No. F. 20-16(5)/2013(BSR) ) during 2014-2016.
I was allocated a sum of Rs. 92,000/- (Ninty two thousands) to attained Twenty-Fourth International Conference of the “Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics (FIM)” held at University of Barcelona (Spain) organized by “ The Spanish Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences (RACEF) during November 18 th -20 th , 2015
I visited Singapore in (2008), Nepal in (2010), Italy, Vatican city, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France (2012), Barcelona Spain (2015) and Thailand in (2017) for different academic and personal purposes.
2. Teaching
2.1 Teaching Experience
SNo. |
Designation |
Department/University |
From |
To |
Regular |
2. |
Assistant Professor |
Department of Mathematics, IGU, Meerpur, |
08.07.2013 |
Till date |
Yes |
1. |
Assistant Professor |
Department of Mathematics, IGPGRC, MDU, Meerpur, |
18.10.2012 |
07.07.2013 |
Yes |
2.2 Courses Taught at IGU Meerpur
SNo. |
Programme/Semester/Session |
Course(s) |
1. |
M.Sc. Mathematics/First Sem/2023-24 |
Complex Analysis |
2. |
M.Sc. Mathematics and Mathematics with CS/Third Sem/2023-24 |
Fluid Dynamics |
3. |
M.Sc. Mathematics /Second Sem/2023-24 |
Operation Research and Techniques |
4. |
M.Sc. Mathematics and Mathematics with CS/Fourth Sem/2023-24 |
Viscous Fluid Dynamics |
5. |
Ph.D. Course work |
Computer Applications |
3. Research
3.1 Research Interests
Reliability Modeling and Analysis of two unit cold standby systems operating under different weather conditions and different facilities available for the server.
Theoretical seismology (Wave propagation through different porous media)
3.2 List of Research Publications
S. No. |
Title of Paper |
Author(s) |
Journal, Volume, Page (Year) |
ISSN Number(s) |
Journal WebLink |
Abstract Link |
29. |
Behavior of higher-order MDD on energy ratios at the interface of thermoelastic and piezothermoelastic mediums |
M. S. Barak , H. Ahmad, R. Kumar, R. Kumar, V. Gupta, F. A. Awwad and E. A. A. Ismail |
Scientific Reports, 13, 17170 (2023) |
2045-2322 |
28. |
Photo-thermo-piezo-elastic waves in semiconductor medium subject to distinct two temperature models with higher order memory dependencies |
V. Gupta and M. S. Barak |
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow (2023) |
0961-5539 |
27. |
Analysis of Waves at Boundary Surfaces at Distinct Media with Nonlocal Dual-Phase-Lag |
R.Kumar, V. Gupta, V. Pathania, R. Kumar, and M. S. Barak |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences (2023) |
2250-1762 |
26. |
Energy Ratio Response at the Interface of Elastic and Dual-Porous Thermoelastic Half-Spaces |
R. Kumar, V. Gupta, V. Pathania, and M. S. Barak |
Physica Scripta (2023) |
0031-8949 |
25. |
Energy transfer at the interface of monoclinic piezothermoelastic and thermoelastic half spaces with MDD |
M. S. Barak , R. Kumar, R. Kumar, and V. Gupta |
Journal of Thermal Stresses, (2023) |
1521-074X |
24. |
Reflection at the free surface of the Orthotropic piezo-hygro-thermo-elastic medium |
A. K. Yadav, M. S. Barak , and V. Gupta |
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 33, 3535 (2023) |
0961-5539 |
23. |
Fractional and MDD analysis of piezo-photo-thermo-elastic waves in semiconductor medium |
V. Gupta and M. S. Barak |
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 105, 123506 (2022) |
1537-6494 |
22. |
Quasi-P wave through orthotropic piezo-thermoelastic materials subject to higher order fractional and memory-dependent derivatives |
V. Gupta and M. S. Barak |
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, (2022) |
1537-6494 |
21. |
Memory-dependent and fractional order analysis of the initially stressed piezo-thermoelastic medium |
M. S. Barak and V. Gupta |
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, (2022) |
1537-6494 |
20. |
Energy analysis at the interface of piezo/thermoelastic half spaces |
V. Gupta, R. Kumar, R. Kumar and M. S. Barak |
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 33 (2023) |
0961-5539. |
19. |
Double porous thermoelastic waves in a homogeneous, isotropic solid with inviscid liquid |
V. Pathania, R. Kumar, V. Gupta, and M. S. Barak |
Archive of Applied Mechanics, 93, 1943 (2023) |
1432-0681 |
18. |
The effect of memory and stiffness on energy ratios at the interface of distinct media |
M. S. Barak , R. Kumar, R. Kumar, and V. Gupta |
Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures, 19, 464 (2023) |
1573-6113 |
17. |
Energy analysis at the boundary interface of elastic and piezothermoelastic half-spaces |
M. S. Barak , R. Kumar, R. Kumar, and V. Gupta |
Indian Journal of Physics, 97, 2369 (2023) |
0974-9845 |
16. |
Reflection/transmission of plane waves at the interface of an ideal fluid and nonlocal Piezothermoelastic medium |
V. Gupta, R. Kumar, M. Kumar, V. Pathania, and M. S. Barak |
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 33, 912 (2023) |
0961-5539 |
15. |
Thermoelastic Modeling with Dual Porosity Interacting with an Inviscid Liquid |
R. Kumar, V. Pathania, V. Gupta, M. S. Barak , and H. Ahmad |
Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, (2023) |
2383-4536 |
14. |
Performance of computer system with three types of failure using weibull distribution subject to hardware repair and software up‐gradation |
A. Kumar,·R. Garg,·and M. S. Barak |
International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management 14, 483 (2023) |
0976-4348 |
13. |
Generalized plane waves in a rotating thermoelastic double porous solid |
V. Pathania, R. Kumar, V. Gupta, and M. S. Barak |
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 27, 138 (2022) |
1734-4492 |
12. |
Thermo-mechanical interactions in a rotating nonlocal
M. S. Barak and P. Dhankhar |
(ZAAM) Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 103, e202200319 (2022) |
1521-4001 |
11. |
Effect of inclined load on a functionally graded
M. S. Barak and P. Dhankhar |
Acta Mechanica 233, 3645 (2022) |
1619-6937 |
10. |
Horizontal and vertical motion at the surface of
M. Kumari, A. Singh, M. S. Barak, and M. Kumar |
Waves in Random and Complex Media (2022) |
1745-5049 |
9. |
Reliability measures of a cold standby system subject
A. Kumar,·R. Garg,· and M. S. Barak |
International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management 14, 147 (2021) |
0976-4348 |
8. |
Effect of various physical properties on the reflection coefficients of
M. Kumari, M. S. Barak , A. Singh, and M. Kumar |
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science 7, 225 (2021) |
2468-0133 |
7. |
Reflection and refraction of elastic waves at the interface of
M. Kumar, A. Singh, M. Kumari, and M.S. Barak |
Acta Mechanica, 232, 33 (2020) |
1619-6937 |
6. |
Inhomogeneous wave propagation in partially saturated soils |
M.S. Barak , M. Kumar, M. Kumari, and A. Singh |
Wave Motion, 93, 102470 (2019) |
0165-2125 |
5. |
Reflection and transmission of elastic waves from an imperfect boundary between micropolar elastic solid half space and fluid saturated porous solid half space |
M.S. Barak and V. Kaliraman |
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 26, 1226 (2018) |
1521-0596 |
4. |
Reflection of plane seismic waves at the
M. Kumar, M.
Petroleum Science 15, 521 (2018) |
3. |
Reflection of inhomogeneous waves at the surface of a dissipative poroelastic media |
M. Kumari, M.
Journal of Porous Media 21, 11 (2018) |
2. |
Effect of local fluid flow on the propagation of plane waves at an interface of water/ double-porosity solid with underlying uniform elastic solid |
M.S. Barak,
M. Kumari,
Ocean Engineering 147, 195 (2017) |
1. |
Seismic reflection and transmission coefficients of a single layer sandwiched between two dissimilar poroelastic solids |
M. Kumari, M.S. Barak , and M. Kumar |
Petroleum Science 14, 676 (2017) |
3.3 Publications/Citations Summary: Link
Total No. of SCI Publications: |
Single Author Publications: |
Google Scholar Citations : |
h-index: i10-index: |
3.4 Research Projects
3.5.1 Research Guidance (Ph.D.)
S. No. |
Scholar |
Supervisor |
Reg. Year |
Completion Year |
Title of Thesis |
9. |
Priti |
M. S. Barak |
2022 |
Continue |
Some dynamic problems of wave propagation in generalized thermoelastic continuum. |
8. |
Vipin Gupta |
M. S. Barak & Vijayata |
2019 |
Continue |
Propagation of Waves in Piezothermoelastic Media |
7. |
Rajesh Kumar |
M. S. Barak & Vijayata |
2019 |
Continue |
Wave Propagation in Double Porous Thermoelastic Continuum |
6. |
Ajay Kumar |
Reena Garg & M.S.Barak |
2019 |
Continue |
Performance Analysis of Redundant Systems With Server Failure Under Varying Environment Conditions |
5. |
Anup Singh |
M. S. Barak |
2015 |
2022 |
Study of Seismic Wave Propagation in Partially Saturated Medium(s) |
4. |
Manjeet |
M. S. Barak |
2015 |
2020 |
Wave Propagation in Porous Media Saturated by Fluid(s) |
3. |
Vinod Kaliraman |
M. S. Barak |
2014 |
2019 |
Behaviour of Seismic Waves in Liquid Saturated Porous Medium at Some Interface |
2. |
Dheeraj Yadav |
M. S. Barak |
2014 |
2019 |
Stochastic Modeling of Redundant Systems with Standby and Server Failure |
1. |
Neeraj |
M. S. Barak |
2014 |
2018 |
Profit analysis of Reliability Models with Preventive Maintenance and Repair under Different Weather Conditions |
3.5.2 Research Guidance (M.Phil.)
S. No. |
Scholar |
Supervisor |
Reg. Year |
Completion Year |
Title of Dissertation |
5. |
Priti |
M. S. Barak |
2017 |
09.5.2018 |
Propagation of wave in two welded contact infinite half spaces |
4. |
Sumit |
M. S. Barak |
2016 |
29.06.2017 |
Profit analysis of two units cold standby system models subject priority and refreshment facility |
3. |
Preeti |
M. S. Barak |
2016 |
29.06.2017 |
Reflection and Refraction of Wave in two Welded Contact Infinite Unbounded Half Space |
2. |
Amit Kumar |
M. S. Barak |
2015 |
01.09.2016 |
Reliability Analysis of a Cloud Under Different Weather Conditions |
1. |
Vikash Ghlawat |
M. S. Barak |
2014 |
14.12.2015 |
Wave Propagation in Liquid-Saturated Porous Solid with Micropolar Elastic Skelton |
4. Administration
4.1 Major Administrative Assignments
S.No. |
Assignment |
From |
To |
7. |
Nodal Officer CM Window & PM Window, Indira Gandhi University |
Till date |
6. |
Nodal Officer-Cum-SPIO, RTI Cell, Indira Gandhi University |
Till date |
5. |
Members of the University Court of Indira Gandhi University |
02.08.2018 |
01.08.2020 |
4. |
Members of the Academic Council, Indira Gandhi University |
05.03.2018 |
01.03.2019 |
3. |
Members of the Academic Council, Indira Gandhi University |
09.09.2021 |
08.09.2023 |
2. |
Deputy Registrar (Examination), Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur |
06.03.2019 |
....... |
1. |
Officiating as Registrar, Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur. |
28.01.202o |
31.01.2020 |
4.2 Other Major Contributions
5. Additional Information
5.1 Associateship/Membership of Professional Bodies
5.2 Keynote Speaker/Resource Person/Convener/Workshops